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Active users: As name implies, active users gets counted against the license.
Inactive users: Do not consume a user license and they are not able to login to the system.
Invited users: System join invitations have been sent to these users but they still haven’t accepted and signed in to the system
Requested users: These users have requested the system sign-up by clicking on the commonly shared sign-up URL. They still haven’t been accepted by the system admin.
Admins: There are 4 types of admins defined in WorkHub24.
- Super Admin – Has access to all the functions of the system. There can be more than one super admins.
- Account Owner – Account owner is a super admin, but he/she is the one whom WorkHub24 treats as the primary contact point. There can only be one Account Owner. This can be transferred.
- User Admin – This type of admins can manage users and groups.
- Billing Admin – Account owner and Super admin(s) have access to the billing page. Additionally, ‘Billing Admin’ also has access to the Billing section.
- Additionally, under the ‘Security Tab’, you can decide who has rights to create workflows.
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